How to find jobs for high school students

February 2, 2022

Internships & jobs for students are out there!

We’ve shared these statistics before, but repetition is important. 

  1. The Society of Human Resources Managers reports 83% of employers struggle to find the right candidates for job openings. 
  2. Mercer’s Global Talent Trends Report showed 92% of organizations think resumes don’t give helpful information about candidates.
  3. The Ladders found job recruiters scan a resume for about 6 seconds before giving up and searching the internet to get to know a candidate.
  4. LinkedIn says that 85% of jobs are filled by networking, which puts high school students at a terrible disadvantage. 
  5. CareerBuilder reported that an impersonal job application is a top reason for rejection

Take a moment to re-read that list and let some of the information sink in. At first glance, teenagers looking for an internship or part-time job seem doomed. 

Now here’s the beacon of hope! Each one of these challenges can be overcome using your spikeview profile

Demonstrate what makes you unique

Employers struggle to find the right fit because all the applications look the same. Some of it is their fault for using an outdated method like a resume. 

They want to know if you’re reliable to show up for work, if you follow instructions, and if other people will enjoy working next to you. Employers also want to know you’re a human being. 

In addition to including your own voice in your spikeview profile, get a friend to record a video clip saying one reason you two get along so well. Maybe five friends! 

Illustrate your soft skills

Making graphs in a spreadsheet or changing tires on a car are hard skills. They’re the measurable skills anyone can understand about you. But employers know those can be easily taught on the job. 

Flexibility, managing emotions, communicating with others, creativity, and attitude around others. Those are soft skills – the type of information employers want to know but don’t have time to figure out.  

This is probably the most important part of your spikeview profile, and will put you head and shoulders above the other students looking for an entry-level job. 

Share your spikeview link to give employers a 360-degree view

What good is a suitcase full of money if no one knows where it is?! Add your spikeview link to any of your applications. Remember, you can choose a linear or presentation view. 

There’s always a way to add a link. Employers want to get to know you. It simplifies the hard work of finding new hires!

Don’t be the last person on earth still using a resume that gets passed on after 6 seconds.

Connect with students and employers to build your network

Studies show networking is the reason 85% of people get hired. In other words, the boss already knows about you. They know enough to bring you to the front of the line or skip it all together. 

Most students are skeptical about networking, but trust adults when they say networking is magical. 

You’re in luck – you don’t need to scramble for social media followers. The way to connect with actual human beings is spikeview’s Groups. You’ll be able to start relationships with other students, and employers offering internships and jobs. 

Add a personal video to your job application

With a company name like CareerBuilder, you know their work is to help you grow a career. So listen carefully when they say an impersonal application is a top reason for rejection

Don’t overthink this, but do take action. Add a personal video that gives someone an idea of who you are and what you’re all about. Sort of like a person might do on their YouTube channel. 

Eric Magers, Executive Director, Seaside Sustainability

[BONUS] Check out the hundreds of internships and jobs for high school students listed in spikeview!

That’s right, we’ve got our very own Opportunity Hub updated daily. Jobs, volunteering, college scholarships, contests, and more. We’ll see you on spikeview!

high school jobs on spikeview


apply for high school internships