Turn your athletic experience into a winning college application Back away from the field to take in the big picture. Sports involve skill, exercise, dedication, teamwork, …
High schools all over the world are using the FREE spikeview platform to support their students. It’s the fastest-growing platform to privately organize personal projects and …
College admissions officers share what schools are really looking for “I know I’m a good fit for this university. But what does the admissions office want …
How practical are international opportunities in high school? Once upon a time, study abroad programs were mysterious and difficult to research. The internet, of course, makes …
Your college essay should pack a punch, or you shouldn’t pack your bags. College application essays might as well be titled “Tell me about yourself.” This …
Advice from entrepreneurs to their younger selves There are undeniable appeals to the term “entrepreneur.” The internet and technology advancements have lowered the bar of entry …
About 8 million students play high school sports! Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, tennis, golf, and on and on. 1 in 14 get to play …
Personal branding is another way of saying “own your narrative.” When you’re 10-years old, there’s no pressure when an adult says “tell me about yourself.” When …