Super important reasons for every high school student to get a resume & portfolio review

April 26, 2022

Seeing the big picture.

I remember mowing a large lawn on a hot summer day, chin down, eyes at the front wheels of the lawn mower…back and forth for an hour. I started putting away all the equipment when I realized I missed an entire section on the side of the house. When you’re busy working on a task for long enough, it’s easy to make silly mistakes. 

People barely glance at a resume!

When you send a company your resume, chances are they’ll spend less than 10 seconds scanning it. Some studies say 5-8 seconds. Think of all the hours you spend trying to add just the right amount of information, formatting it, changing font styles…all to have someone barely notice the content. 

There are certainly ways to design the flow of your resume content to catch a reader’s eye. Read more about that here and here. The same is true for your portfolio. “Wait–my portfolio?”

Every high school student needs a portfolio!

Hiring managers and university admissions officers complain that students are unable to describe what they’re all about and what they’d like to do with their life. The icebreaker “tell me about yourself” leads to awkward stammering

Anyone can whip up a resume. A student portfolio is your chance to show who you really are behind the paperwork. Most job and college candidates are going to rely on a boring resume and generic application. But you’re going to stand out from the competition with a well-rounded portfolio that leaves people feeling like they know you.

Here’s why it’s so helpful to have a professional portfolio and resume review.


In a sense, this is all about mentorship. Adults have been there. They know what it’s like to try to get noticed in a crowd to get hired or selected. Adults have also been on the hiring and selecting side of the table. They’re now working professionals and have invaluable insights to help you avoid their earlier mistakes. 


There’s an old saying, “you don’t know what you don’t know.” Chances are you don’t have a lot of experience putting together a portfolio that goes far beyond a list of classes and jobs found on your resume. A professional can spot the gaps and help you think of experiences to include that make you stand out.

Measurable Growth

Attaching specific metrics can be tough, but you’ve got to find a way. A reviewer will help come up with some creative ways to measure personal and academic growth along your learning journey. 


Usually it’s best for your portfolio content to be displayed in chronological order. But there are exceptions, and an expert can help. One advantage of a digital portfolio is the ability to visually layer personality and skills that are demonstrated at various points in your life. 

Word salad

Last but not least, language matters. Your portfolio and resume (and anything else you’re writing!) need clear and concise thoughts. Strong verbs and relevant keywords are important, and a professional reviewer can help you determine the right messaging structure.

Use spikeview to combine your portfolio & resume

If you didn’t already know, you can upload a resume directly in spikeview. That way, when you share your custom spikeview link in college applications, cover letters, or with recruiters, everything is in one spot.