Performing arts pursuits are beneficial, whether or not they become your primary income. Don’t let someone get you down by saying “it’s just a side gig.” …
15 ways music pays the bills To say “college is expensive” is putting it mildly. Tuition, housing, transportation, books, meal plans, sports tickets, and other fees …
We’ve had some good questions recently from spikeview’s student community that relate to pitching yourself. Heading into summer, job interviews are top of mind for most …
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.Seneca Spend any amount of time looking for job interview tips, and you’ll see the very first thing an …
What’s all the NIL fuss about? College and high school sports may never be the same. Student athletes are getting compensated in small and large ways …
Teenage behavior studies have been conducted for decades, but some specific issues have become more mainstream conversation topics rather than reserved for academics. Mental health – …
5 college admissions trends and what they mean for you You’ve no doubt seen headlines about high school students reconsidering college, a dearth of applicants, and …